Sweet Sleep

Struggling with tiredness and exhaustion?
I am here to help! I provide advice and support to maximise sleep for the whole family.

LUX Lullaby
  • Maternity services
  • Troubleshooting
  • Welcome home baby
  • Overnights
  • 6 week bookings

- 0 to 6 months

REM Doctor
A tailored package to maximise sleep for the whole family
- From 4 months and up

Who am I?

Hi I am Sheryl Williamson, owner and founder of LUX Lullaby and REM Doctor - delighted to introduce myself and say Hello!

I am a Mother of 6 and Grandmother of 6, all my kids were good sleepers and I wasn't quite sure why other families were having such a difficult time around sleep, so have spent a lifetime studying childcare, newborn care and sleep training, endeavouring to figure out the science behind happy, settled sleeping babies!

I am a trained Maternity Nurse with a Childcare Degree and have been accredited as an Advanced Paediatric Sleep Practitioner with OCN Level 6 training, by EDS training Ltd.

My work has taken me all over the world from Mallorca to Miami! Working with VIPs, UHNW families and high profile families but for me it is all about the baby, this is my dream job, looking after babies, speaking about babies, helping mums with their babies...

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I love my job as a Paediatric Sleep Specialist. It is an honour to meet new families and be able...

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Top tips for nurturing healthy sleep habits in babies
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Sleep is important at all ages, and by following some simple advice and tips you can help...

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Baby-led or routine - is one better than the other?
Whether you're pregnant or have a...

The approach you choose often depends upon your own family circumstances and...

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What is a Maternity Nurse?
And is it only the rich and famous that can afford them?

About 30 years ago I saw a documentary which showed a Maternity Nurse who was...

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Parent's feedback
What have others said?

Here is some feedback from parents who have used my packages!


"I am a new person now that my little one is finally sleeping through the night, its amazing - thank you!"

LUX Lullaby Packages

Unique packages personalised for you and your young one.

Welcome Home Baby Package


A full package for parents who want support before and after the birth.

This package includes...

  • 1 day for advice and support in setting up the nursery before the baby arrives
  • 5 days of 24 hour support with breastfeeding, settling in and helping mum to get some rest
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Newborn LUX Lullaby Maternity Nurse

30/hour / £25/hour

I find that families who choose to follow my Newborn sleep pattern have happier more settled babies who sleep well at night and settle easier through the day.

Newborn LUX Lullaby Maternity Nurse package includes...

  • All the support you need for you and the baby

Please note, this package requires a minimum 3 day booking.

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LUX Lullaby Newborn Nights Only Package

415/night / £350/night

Sleep well knowing that baby is being cared for through the night, advice and support to help baby settle quickly into a great routine and maximise sleep for the whole family.

This Newborn LUX Lullaby package includes...

  • 10 hour overnights only
  • Providing overnight cover for mum's to rest while baby is taken care of. Packages start at £320 per night
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REM Doctor Packages

The standard REM Doctor package is for babies who are as young as 6 months to 16 year olds. Options are available for extra long-term support.

REM Doctor Consultation Only


Sleep training for this age includes 1 x 1.5 hour consultation - either face to face or online - followed by 2 x 30 minute consultations

This Consultation package includes...

  • A single 90 minute one-to-one consultation
  • Two follow-up 30 minute consultations
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REM Doctor Consultation with 1 month of support


Sleep training for this age includes 1 x 1.5 hour consultation - either face to face or online - followed by 2 x 30 minute consultations and 1 month of support

This Consultation package includes...

  • A single 90 minute one-to-one consultation
  • Two follow-up 30 minute consultations
  • One month of support via text, video call or email.
Sign up to Package

REM Doctor Consultation with 6 months Support


Sleep training for this age includes 1 x 1.5 hour consultation - either face to face or online - followed by 2 x 30 minute consultations and 6 months support

This Consultation package includes...

  • A single 90 minute one-to-one consultation
  • Two follow-up 30 minute consultations
  • Six months of support via text, video call or email.
Sign up to Package

Get in touch

If you are interested in a single consultation, or a bespoke package.

REM Doctor
Sleep consultancy - From 4 months and up
LUX Lullaby
Newborn support - Birth to 6 months