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What have others said?

Here is some feedback from parents who have used my packages!

"I honestly owe my health to you!"

My son was very poorly with 3 severe allergies that had yet to be pinpointed, he was sleeping at most for 1 hour every night for 4 months, some nights as little as 15 minutes and he wasn't napping either. As a single mum and severely sleep deprived, I started suffering with post partum depression and was at the end of my tether. My son just screamed none stop. You so very kindly helped me when I didn't think anyone could.

It was tough, as I was going to feeding him to sleep every night to going through the pain barrier of teaching him to sleep without feeding. You did it in such a way that I still felt completely comfortable and in control. You were on the end of the phone night and day with support and provided such excellent help.

My son went from no sleep to sleeping excellently. He is in bed by 8pm and sleeps until 6:30am every night, only waking for the odd feed (which I don't mind). He now naps to his age appropriate wake windows, some naps even lasting as long as 1.5 hours, which is longer than he used to sleep at night! I also no longer have to feed him to sleep which makes it easier for other family members to support us as they're able to get him to sleep.

Since he started sleeping better his development has come on leaps and bounds... He started smiling which he was very late to do, he is coming on so much now and I owe that to you! My health has also improved, I'm such a better mum because I have the energy and I have been able to reduce my dose of antidepressants, with the view to come off them in the foreseeable! I have really struggled to write this review because there honestly aren't enough words to express how thankful I am that you helped me when I was at my lowest. He is a happy 5 month old, full of energy and I now have the energy to enjoy every minute of his life.

Thank you for everything 💕

- Parent who used LUX Lullaby

Do you have feedback from using my packages?

Please get in touch! I would love to hear how you have gotten on.

Get in touch

If you are interested in a single consultation, or a bespoke package.

REM Doctor
Age - 6 months to 16 years
LUX Lullaby
Age - Birth to 6 months